Wing Spars 4 (3.0 hrs)

Today I finished all of the countersinking for the spar nut plates.  I also attached all of the nut plates (for both the fuel plate and the inspection panels) to the bottom of both spars.  I did not prime the countersinks for the rivets prior to riveting but I did prime the screw countersinks after riveting the nut plates.  All that remains is to flip the spars and rivet / prime on the other side.  This part is quick and I hope to get back out to the garage before my primer hits its pot life today to finish up.  Next up, I believe will be the Z-brackets.

Here’s a shot of the finished countersink for the inspection access plates. 20130929-133437.jpg


I drilled, deburred and dimpled all of the access plates and labeled them to their corresponding location.  I did not follow Van’s procedure for these countersinks either.  I again used my back plate with a pilot hole.  The instructions say to use the #40 countersink… and you would have to if you were using the nutplates as the pilot hole, but since I used the backing plate, and the holes had to be drilled out to #28, I used the #30 again.  These countersinks came out perfect as you can see here. 20130929-133511.jpg


Here’s a look at my q-tip primer application.20130929-133551.jpg

Almost complete….20130929-133617.jpg

About Peter | Certified Flight Instructor (Single & Multi-Engine, Instrument, and Advanced Ground) | Commercial Helicopter

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