Jack Savage came over to give me a hand with the fuel tanks. There wasn’t anything in particular that required two people, but a second set of hands in the shop is always appreciated! The two of us completed almost every remaining task prior to sealing the tanks. All of the remaining dimpling is complete. We cut out the snap bushing for installation of the capacitive fuel gauge wire. The inboard holes for the BNC connector and fuel vent lines are complete. We fabricated the anti-hangup guides for the flop tubes and installed two of the four. The fuel trap doors have also been fabricated. The only thing that remains prior to beginning the sealing is to install the fuel trap doors… which I may go back and do this evening. I will also need to get some good soldering tools for the capacitive fuel sender wiring. Luckily I have experience with soldering. While I was studying for my bachelor’s in electrical engineering I worked as an electronics technician with Honeywell. Needless to say, I got to do a lot of soldering. I’m feeling really good that the next significant session in the shop will be spent sealing! Hopefully next weekend.
Here is Jack dimpling the ribs.
Holes for the BNC and fuel vent lines.
The fuel trap doors. Still need to be installed. I forgot to take a picture of the anti-hangup guides. I’ll try to update this post later with a picture of those. I plan to pop rivet the final two in place after the ribs are installed.