Yearly Archives: 2014

Ailerons 2 (3.5 hrs)

First up on today’s to do list, removing the blue protective plastic with the soldering iron. Sometimes I don’t want to do this. It’s much quicker to just rip it all off, but then I remind myself that the extra protection is worth the extra time. IMG_5713.JPG

I do, however, remove the entire vinyl from the inside of the aileron skin. IMG_5714.JPG


Next time to cleco and label the aileron stiffeners in place. IMG_5716.JPG

I label each stiffener from left to right with a number and a T for top or bottom. I actually use all 16 numbers so I know 1 to 8 are bottom and 9 to 16 are top. I also mark the skins where one begins and 16 ends. IMG_5717.JPG

At first glance, the left and right aileron skins appear to be identical and perfectly symmetrical, meaning they could go either way. They are NOT identical. The bottoms of each aileron will have one section of three rivet holes that are closer together.IMG_5720.JPG

Additionally the alignment of the outer edge rivet holes is different. This is for the aileron hinge. You can see the difference in the two corners below. IMG_5721.JPG

IMG_5722.JPGFinally I intended to dimple the skins and the stiffeners, however, in the move to the hangar I seem to be missing the pole to my c-frame and my male 3/32″ dimple die.  Very frustrating. Every session this weekend has had an issue, but its to be expected in a new shop.

Ailerons 1 (3.5 hrs)

Since I decided to finish the ailerons before the flaps… its time to work on the ailerons.  First step is stiffeners.  Always a lot of work for whats seems like little reward.  First step is to remove the blue plastic.IMG_5702.JPGNext up its time to mark the areas to be cut and removed.  The aileron stiffeners are a little easier than the elevators and rudder because these are all identical.  I mark the areas to be removed with Xs to make sure I cut on the correct side of the line.  After fifteen of these and multiple cuts with the die grinder and cutting discs its easy to lose track. You could probably use a set of tin snips, but I prefer the cutting disc.  Snips tend to cause slight bends. IMG_5703.JPG

IMG_5704.JPGAfter cutting all of the stiffeners its time to hit them with the scotchbrite wheel.  I round all of the edges and remove the notches with the hard disc, and then I use the light wheel to give it a final once over. There are 32 stiffeners.  16 per aileron so it takes awhile to do this properly. IMG_5705.JPGI forgot to post my new toys from Harbor Freight.  Two new hoses for the air compressor.  The orange one was originally intended to be a backup, but the hose and reel below still needs a few attachments to work.  Additionally, I’ll need to figure out where to mount the reel. IMG_5707.JPG


A picture of the hangar dog!IMG_5709.JPG

Flaps 2 (1.0 hrs)

The shop started off slowly with visits from almost the entire airport.  I didn’t mind… its good to see everyone and there are so many people willing to help.  Its great having so many good people around with knowledge willing to help.  Good group of guys to hang out with too.

Jack also stopped by and gave me the number for a guy who can bend the control stick for the front cockpit stick.  He also gave me a hand in final drilling the lower skin, ribs, and main spar.

I needed to make two sets of shims for the flaps.  The first set are mandatory and will lie between the outside ribs and the top skin to ensure alignment after the overlap with the bottom skin.  The second set of shims I only needed on one flap.  The inner ribs should be flush with the “rear spar” (just the curved part of the lower skin), however on the one flap they are not.  I made several small shims to fill the gaps.

I realized it would be best to stop working on the flaps at this point in order to ensure the trailing edge lined up with the trailing edge of the ailerons.

Measurement for the mandatory F-708 shims.IMG_5698.JPGIMG_5699.JPG
