Flaps 2 (1.0 hrs)

The shop started off slowly with visits from almost the entire airport.  I didn’t mind… its good to see everyone and there are so many people willing to help.  Its great having so many good people around with knowledge willing to help.  Good group of guys to hang out with too.

Jack also stopped by and gave me the number for a guy who can bend the control stick for the front cockpit stick.  He also gave me a hand in final drilling the lower skin, ribs, and main spar.

I needed to make two sets of shims for the flaps.  The first set are mandatory and will lie between the outside ribs and the top skin to ensure alignment after the overlap with the bottom skin.  The second set of shims I only needed on one flap.  The inner ribs should be flush with the “rear spar” (just the curved part of the lower skin), however on the one flap they are not.  I made several small shims to fill the gaps.

I realized it would be best to stop working on the flaps at this point in order to ensure the trailing edge lined up with the trailing edge of the ailerons.

Measurement for the mandatory F-708 shims.IMG_5698.JPGIMG_5699.JPG


About Peter

plbarrett.com | Certified Flight Instructor (Single & Multi-Engine, Instrument, and Advanced Ground) | Commercial Helicopter

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