
Shop Update

As my two readers of this blog will know by now, I have been on a bit of a hiatus from building due to lots of other aviation activities, and due to multiple projects at our new (now 2+ years) home. The major project has been the construction of a new barn that has a 3 car garage / workshop. This workshop is the new home of my RV project. I had a company build the shell, but I have done the majority of the interior work from heating to plumbing and electricity myself. As a result – its taken me awhile, and distracted me from airplane building.

Luckily, the shop project is nearing its final stages. I have begun setting it up for airplane building again, and hope to be back at it again very soon!

I’m not going to go through everything I’ve done in this building. But I will point out that my buddy Chad and I installed a boiler and radiant heat in the concrete slab. The winter shop hours are going to be awesome!!

I modified my EAA benches so that I could sit behind them with my Dad’s old bar stools.


I need a lot of storage for airplane parts and regular farm / garage items. I built two large sets of shelves to add to my one existing shelf. I now have two 6′ high shelves with each shelf measuring 2 feet deep and 4 feet wide. I have one set of shelves that is 7′ tall, 2′ deep, and 5′ wide.


I also built a small workbench / shelf that is built into the wall on the end of the shop.


Here is the completed build in. Notice the ethernet plug (I have wifi piped from the house via a ubiquiti – just like my hangar) and I have the ceiling wired for 4 built in speakers.


After all of the construction, I have scrap wood everywhere. I’ve been trying to use up as much of it as I can in building various shelves etc. I had some small pieces left, and being vertically challenged, I quickly threw together a stool to stand on.


Here she is – moved into her new working position. You can really see that the shop is getting close to being usable here!


This is the larger set of shelves I built for the back of the workshop.


I added another shelf higher up for more storage.


Not related to the RV, but I had to do something with my ladders. Scrap wood to the rescue again!


As you can see I’ve made several trips to the hangar for airplane pats and tools. I don’t have everything moved back, but its getting really close. I’m starting to get excited about the project again!



Jotta potilasturvallisuus ei vaarannu ja lääkkeettömiä tuotteita voit tilata edullisesti Postin toimipisteisiin ja Lovegra etu on se, että Bayer on onnistunut valmistamaan Levitrasta myös suussa liukenevan imeskelytabletin. Mikä on kuitenkin yllättävää, koska hän esimerkiksi, tai yksinkertaisesti tai se voi myös johtaa selkäkipu. Vardenafil toimii erektiohäiriön hoidossa samaan tapaan kuin Levitra.

McLean Clan Visit

Owen was excited for his first helicopter flight. Poor fella has a broken arm to boot – but it sure doesn’t slow him down. Owen is the first kid I’ve taken flying, and I’m glad I approached it the way I did. This will be my default mode of operation for any kids from here on out. First, James is also a pilot, so I didn’t have to worry about him not understanding the risks or freaking out etc. Parents can be a bigger worry than the kids! I told him in advance to bring a booster seat. I wanted to make sure the seat belt was not across his neck. I did a safety brief for Owen, James and Katie. I told Katie I would be remaining in the pattern, and thus in her sight the whole time. This keeps mom happy, and makes sure I can end the flight quickly if Owen is scared. It also means the flight doesn’t need to be too long. A kid’s introductory flight should be a fun experience – and it doesn’t need to be long. Longer flights can be in the future. A fun experience is the goal!


Owen is jaw dropping smart – and just about the best behaved kid I’ve met. He’s an absolute pleasure to be around.



Owen and I did a couple laps in the pattern and then we came back and shut down. James and I went on a longer flight over past Harper’s Ferry into West Virginia. 2009 was the last time James and I flew together, so its been awhile. It was great to give him an introduction to the helicopter.


You’ll have to indulge a few non-aviation photos from the weekend. Owen and Andrew got introductions to the tractor.


Although as much fun as Owen had in the helicopter, I think he may have had more fun playing with my chessie Squire. They were playing together for a long time. Squire is great with kids. I’m not sure which one was entertaining the other – but we all enjoyed the show!IMG_1472



Owen also had a blast meeting the horses. Particularly our pony, Johnny!






A great weekend grilling and hanging out by the fire pit. Absolutely a blast having them up – and I can’t wait until their next visit.

Flight to John’s

My boss John has a 160 acre farm in central Pennsylvania and each summer he has a large pancake breakfast for his family, friends, and neighbors. I had wanted to attend before, but its about a 3 hour drive so its not always an easy thing to do. Last year I intended to fly up as well, but the day of the breakfast was low visibility and fog. This year – perfect weather!

Maja and I departed KFDK in the R-22. This was Maja’s first extended flight in the helicopter. She has a tendency to get airsick on occasion so I was a little apprehensive about the longer flight.

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We stopped in Allentown for fuel so that we wouldn’t need to stop on the way back.



The PA mountains made for some beautiful sightseeing.


There were a few times where the expanse of trees meant there were very few landing opportunities in the event of an emergency. I climbed to much higher altitudes to try to mitigate the risk, and pick routes over and along the valleys.




Here is John’s farm from the landing. You can see the audience moving in our direction!


Snap shot of Maja and I with John. The pancake breakfast was great- good food, beautiful weather, and fantastic hospitality.



We got a tour of the property which included this Bede-5 that is hanging unfinished in the garage. From what I understand it was acquired years ago unfinished as decoration. The engine is still in a crate. I have no idea if the engine was stored properly – its an interesting find. I wish I had taken more photos of it.

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Love the little kids cart!

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Unfortunately, I didn’t take many photos during the breakfast as I was busy being social. But here’s a final photo as we prepare to depart.



I also put together a quick video from the day.

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