Wings 1 (5.0 hrs)

Ribs.  Holy cow there are a lot of ribs!

Here are the ribs prior to unwrapping from the plastic.  The first thing I did today was mark all the ribs with a marker and then remove all the little stickers with the parts numbers on them.  They tend to leave a sticky adhesive behind that gums up the scotchbrite pads, so I usually remove that with some goo off.  I did the same today.  With this many ribs… even that took awhile. 20131012-191023.jpg

Here are all the ribs after labeling. 20131012-191031.jpg

Same ribs after all of the flanges have been straightened and deburred.  I can see how this takes awhile.  5 hours later and I still have to deburr the lightening holes!  As you can see, Squire is thrilled by deburring!20131012-191041.jpg

About Peter | Certified Flight Instructor (Single & Multi-Engine, Instrument, and Advanced Ground) | Commercial Helicopter

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