Rudder 14 (4.0 hrs)

I spent a ton of time on the rudder this weekend with very little progress due to my rivet issue.  The solution to my rudder issue is mentioned in the previous post.

I also discovered that I had not clecoed my rudder shim correctly, so I had to quickly create a new one.  20130526-221651.jpg


Here’s the old shim.  I had only clecoed one hole.  When I looked in the middle I though I had forgot to drill that hole, and drilled a new hole without bothering to notice that the shim was off center…20130526-221709.jpg


Here’s the skeleton all riveted together!20130526-221813.jpg

The start of rolling the leading edge…20130526-221820.jpg

I very stupidly started at the bottom.  I didn’t take pictures of my final efforts for the night and will post them tomorrow…20130526-221827.jpg

About Peter | Certified Flight Instructor (Single & Multi-Engine, Instrument, and Advanced Ground) | Commercial Helicopter

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