Elevators 21 (5.0 hours)

Today was a productive day except that everything I did I had already done previously….

The new left elevator skin and stiffeners arrived on Tuesday. I had a final exam for my programming course on Thursday, so I didn’t even open the box until today. I quickly set to work so I can catch myself back up to where I was. I delaminated the vinyl, cut, shaped, and final drilled the stiffeners, deburred the skin for the stiffeners and finally dimpled all of the stiffeners. I’m hoping tomorrow that I can dimple the skin and prime so that this week I can find time to back rivet the stiffeners. At that point I’ll almost be caught back up with about 4 weeks until the wings arrive. Now that my class is over, I’m still confident I can finish the empennage before the wings arrive.20130720-190917.jpgThe new skin is so much cleaner than the second hand skin I previously had. Just reiterates in my mind that I will not buy anything else second hand for this plane. (Save possibly tools)20130720-190923.jpg20130720-190934.jpg



About Peter

plbarrett.com | Certified Flight Instructor (Single & Multi-Engine, Instrument, and Advanced Ground) | Commercial Helicopter

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