Today I set about dimpling and cleaning up the skins and stiffeners. First, I hit each of the 32 stiffeners with the scotchbrite pad. Its easier to do before dimpling, and doesn’t ruin the pad as quickly. 
Next, I dimpled each stiffener. 

Then it was time to do the skins. Well, wouldn’t you know it. My tables were not very level, and in the midst of my 5th dimple, I slipped and made an extra hole. I was pretty pissed off, but $45 later a new skin is on its way. Its not a major set back. The mistake could be repaired, but I’d prefer to have a pristine aileron. 
The right skin came out perfectly. 
The two part epoxy primer I have doesn’t produce overspray at all. The primer dries so fast all you get is a lot of dust. Despite this, I’m a little leery to even give the impression that there could be overspray while residing at the airport. I don’t want to create any bad blood. If I was alone in the hangar that would be one thing, but I’m not. And while I can easily pull my hangar mate’s plane outside and close the door, I have so little priming left to do I can easily do it elsewhere. This being the case, I continued work on the remainder of the aileron. I deburred the edges and lightening holes of the spars. 
Removed all the blue vinyl and deburred every part I could get my hands on. 

I also fabricated the spar reinforcement plates. 
Be careful. Not all of the holes are #30. Some are #40. 
The final product. On Tuesday I plan to prime at my Uncle’s and then I will continue the aileron fabrication.