Daily Archives: May 28, 2016

Empennage Tips 2

With the elevator and horizontal stab tips ready for being glassed in, it was time for me to turn my attention to the rudder. Unlike the elevators, I did not have the rod bearings marked with torque seal. A quick review of the inter webs found that its not completely necessary. After all, it isn’t possible for these to rotate. However, I still did my best to torque them to the appropriate value and mark them as torqued.

First was the upper tip. This is fully enclosed and only took a little filing to make fit. Drilling and clecoing was a breeze.

The bottom is a different story. You need to cut a section out for the control horn.

I used a dremel to accomplish this.

At this point, I am not proceeding further with the bottom tip for two reasons. First, I have not purchased the strobe light that will be located here. Second, some builders have reported interference with the tail springs with the stock configuration. The fix is simple, make the tip shorter. But I’ll wait until I have both the light and the tail installed before making this final installation. There is no rush. The entire reason I’m doing these now, a bit earlier than most folks do, is because I need the practice with fiberglass prior to doing the showplanes canopy frame.

Fastback 17

Not a lot of photos or information to report for this session. John Raffensparger, our local EAA tech counselor, came by to help me begin the process of riveting the front skin to the fuselage. It was slower going than one might expect as we had several that we had to drill out, and a few places that gave us much more difficulty than should be expected. Regardless we got the top line and a good portion of the sides done.

The rivets behind the gear towers are going to be very difficult to complete with hard rivets. Many folks online use Cherry Max structural pop rivets here. I’m probably going to do that, but we’ll see.