Yearly Archives: 2016

Fastback 37

Today – more rage gold sanding. I can’t stand sanding. I’m so tired of it!


I bought a new toy! I kept borrowing my buddy Mike’s drill – and I’m sure I was wearing out my welcome, so I went and bought my own. Super light, perfect for all the interior screws.


The EAA Chapter also had a picnic. The weather was a bit foul so we commandeered an empty hangar.


IMG_1113 IMG_1104_1 IMG_1105_121Aug 20

Fastback 35

More rage gold application. There isn’t much to tell about rage gold application. Mix the stuff up per the instructions. You’ve got literally 2 -3 minutes to apply, and then you can sand it as soon as 15 min later.


And boy, you will do a lot of sanding! I swear I sand off 80% of what I apply. IMG_4891Aug 15