Wings 26 (4.0 hrs)
I started off today by finishing the installation of the stall warning assembly. The instructions call for pop rivets, although others go with solid rivets. Its not structural so I see no reason to not use pop rivets.
Here is an enlarged view of the hole for the stall warning vane. I still need to do a little cleaning up with the file. You can’t really tell unless you get really close, but it bothers me nonetheless.
Here is the cable that will connect the stall warning back to the cockpit. The instructions call for 8.5 feet. I always leave extra in the event of changes or mistakes so I left 10 feet.
Next up its time to rivet the leading edge of the left wing.
Van’s instructions call for you to rivet the rear row of rivets with a squeezer and then work forward toward the leading edge which is contrary to how I normally rivet a skin.
Here are the rivets I squeezed first.
The leading edge still needs to be riveted to the spar.
Next I worked on the scarf joint. I decided I can’t quite finish it until the fuel tanks are attached, as I want to be able to do a final check against the flush skins.