Yearly Archives: 2013

Wing Spars 11 (1.0 hr)

Today I finished all of the prep work on the wing spars except priming and riveting. I used my new countersink to finish countersinking the tie down brackets.  I deburred the spars themselves, scotchbrited the remaining parts, and dimpled part of the spar that is hard to dimple after the reinforcement fork is installed.  Priming is somewhat time consuming, and I want to do the biggest batches possible to save time.  That being the case, I set the parts for the spars aside, and began work on the wing ribs.  I’m only going to prime when I absolutely cannot continue work until I do.

On the left you can see my new #40 countersink compared to my #30 countersink.  The #40’s that broke were of the same style as the #30 shown here.  You can see why its weaker.  I’m not sure what the advantage may be to the style on the right, but I prefer the new stronger countersink.  It seems less prone to chatter too. 20131012-190853.jpg

Here is Squire with all of the spars behind him. 20131012-190903.jpg

Wing Spars 10 (0.75 hr)

My friend Denny loaned me his dremel kit.  It took me a little while to figure out which pieces worked best, but once I figured it out, it was a quick and easy job to finish up the pieces pictured below.  After that I etched the pieces with the scotchbrite pads and did some final deburring touch up.  The spars are getting pretty close to completion.  A little work on the tie down brackets pending the new countersinks, priming and riveting and it will be onto the ribs. I did manage to ruin a couple of Denny’s parts, so I’ll be buying him some replacements.  Whoops. 20131009-194043.jpg




Wing Spars 9 (1.0 hr)

I didn’t do a good job of taking pictures for this update.  I cut the second aileron control hole in the spar reinforcement plate.  My buddy has a dremel set that I’m going to use for the final touch up.  I also final drilled and deburred both the reinforcement forks and started prepping the rear spars for priming.  The spars will soon be done and it will be onto ribs!20131007-200038.jpg