Daily Archives: October 14, 2013

Wings 3 (3.0 hrs)

Not a lot in the way of pictures for this post.  I finished fluting all of the wing ribs.  I also found a good method for deburring the small corners and crevices of the ribs using a file and my soft scotchbrite wheel.  I’m sooooo glad to be done this part of the wings, as these ribs were a collasal pain in the rear.  As soon as I rivet the rear spar together, she’ll be ready for clecoing together.  I’m excited to have something that will soon look like more than a table full of ribs!20131014-195526.jpg

Wing Spars 12 (2.0 hrs)

For some reason, I was thinking that I could prime the ribs at the same time as I did the spar components.  As I read the instructions again today, I realized I was mistaken.  It was best to get the spars primed and riveted so that I could cleco the skeleton together, match drill and then prime the ribs.  So thats what I set about to do. 20131014-195146.jpg

Here you can see my method for holding the spars.  Some old hangers did the trick nicely.20131014-195201.jpg

Squire loves priming!20131014-195223.jpg

I did have some trouble with my HVLP gun today.  It keeps not spraying paint.  Afterwards, I did a complete tear down.  I cleaned each part thoroughly and applied some silicone lubricant in some key areas that I think were binding slightly.  More importantly, I think I discovered the problem.  The paint reservoir has trouble sealing, which if your not careful means you can very easily spill that expensive primer.  Its a HF tool that works great, but like a lot of HF things, there is always something!.  To fix the sealing issue, I applied some vaseline to the threads of the plastic cap.  The lid seals great now.  I noticed the vent was clogged with primer.  I have never opened the vent before, but with the leaky lid I think the reservoir was able to equalize.  After unclogging the vent, and reassembling the parts I gave it a test run with some MEK and it seemed to work fine.  She’ll get a real test very soon. 20131014-195240.jpg
