Daily Archives: May 11, 2013

Elevators 6 (1.5 hrs)

Despite having very little time to devote to the project today, I was able to dimple one elevator skin for the stiffeners.  I used the c-frame for all the dimples except the two closest to the trailing edge.  For those I used the close quarters rivet set that uses the pop rivet puller.

This time, unlike when I did the rudder skin, I didn’t make any mistakes nor did I allow either of the dies to make any small dents or impressions.  I’ve got my technique down fairly well now, but my setup still leaves a lot to be desired.  Since it doesn’t look like I will have the funds for the wings until later this summer, there is a high likelihood that I will have a break between the completion of the empennage and the wings.  I will use that time (if it occurs) to build a better table top for dimpling as well as a wing jig.  The wing jig really isn’t a jig, more of a stand that will allow access to both sides of both wings.

Tomorrow I have nothing planned, so hopefully I’ll get a good bit done in the shop.

Here is the skin before dimpling.20130511-180903.jpg

And after dimpling is complete.20130511-180913.jpg