I started building the wing stand this evening. Using deck screws I joined two 2x4s for each vertical leg instead of using 4X4s.
In the first photo I’m just playing around with the placement and clearance of the vertical supports. I have to ensure that the garage door clears, and I wanted to center the stand on the lights. I’ve got plenty of room in my garage, so I spaced the two sides further apart then most people. There are 30 inches between the uprights, which will give me plenty of room to work from either side.
Here you can see how I’m planning to affix the bottom to the floor. I’ve screwed a 2×4 across the bottom of the two legs. That 2×4 will be attached with 2 screws into the concrete and some light adhesive. On the opposite end, I will have to trim the one vertical leg because of clearance issues with the stairs. I didn’t want to put a 2×4 across, because I don’t want to trip on it, but doing it this way is so easy and will ensure the stand is very stable. Once I have that done, I’m going to mark all the positions on the floor, and then set about attaching the supports to the ceiling. I’m not going to install the aluminum angle supports until I’m ready to hang the wing. This will hopefully allow the wood to dry and allow the stand to settle in place. It will also give me the opportunity to make any final adjustments to the leveling and spacing with the spars in hand.