EAA Tech Counselor Pre-build Meeting (0 hrs)


John Raffensparger, the tech counselor for chapter 1384 was nice enough to come take a look at my shop and go through the practice kit. (Jim and Alice Forbes, also from the chapter, had an old flight control practice kit they were willing to part with for free!) John also had a few tools he was selling for a friend. $65 got me a rivet gun, air drill, and a few other misc tools. You can see the kit and the tools in the photo.

I have posted a wanted ad for tools in the VAF forums, and I’m hoping to find the big ticket items cheaper to defray the tool kit cost.

Things are starting to move now.

About Peter

plbarrett.com | Certified Flight Instructor (Single & Multi-Engine, Instrument, and Advanced Ground) | Commercial Helicopter

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