Fuel Tanks 6 (2.0 hrs)

Tonight I finished the two z-brackets that had to be re-done and installed the nut plates that I was missing. 20140110-195209.jpg


The spar was fairly easy to countersink for the nut plate rivets, however the outboard rivets have to be done without a countersink cage.  Use a sloooow drill and its a piece of cake. 20140110-195227.jpg

Unfortunately I cannot say the same thing for these rivets.  I had a heck of a time getting these rivets done and it took me way longer than I wanted.20140110-195236.jpg

I also drilled and affixed the nut plates to the capacitive fuel sender plates. 20140110-195244.jpg

About Peter

plbarrett.com | Certified Flight Instructor (Single & Multi-Engine, Instrument, and Advanced Ground) | Commercial Helicopter

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