First up a little soldering work on the capacitive fuel tank connectors. As soon as I install the end ribs, I will complete the install of the sender plates, wiring and fuel vent line and I wanted to get everything completely ready.
I haven’t taken a lot of pictures of the fuel tank sealing because my camera is also my iPhone and I don’t want to get sealant all over it! Today I installed all four of the end ribs. All the ribs are now installed and sealed on both tanks. The capacitive senders need to be screwed in place and wired. The flop tubes and vent also need to be installed. Then I’ll be ready to close up the tanks and move on to preparing the rest of the wing for riveting! I can’t wait to be done the tanks! I keep the tanks in the basement where its a good deal warmer than outside to allow the sealant to cure faster. I sure hope this thing doesn’t leak!!!!