This wasn’t a straight forward installation. A lot of thought and fiddling around went into determing the best location, mounting method, and fuel routing for this device. I bought a mount from TS Flightlines that was useless. They had the edges two wide on the radius and the fit was very poor. They told me i was on the list for a new mount in their next batch. That mount never arrived, and its just as well, as I prefer the mount i fabricated from scratch.
You can see the TS Flightlines mount in matching anodized red in the photos below. I made a mount out of heavy duty aluminum angle. Very happy.
I also experimented with making a hardline from the fuel servo up to the red cube. I abandoned this idea after several mockups, and decided to get a custom hose built. Also very happy with that decision.
I made a stainless steel line between the fuel flow transducer and the fuel spider. Its in the shape of a U and came out pretty well. One concern I have with this design is hot starts and cooking fuel off. I’ve considered putting fire sleeve on it – but everything is so heat soaked up there, that I’m not sure if its worth it. I’ve decided to take a “wait and lets see” approach to this.