I noticed that my oil temp sensor was not torqued, nor safety wired. Ugh. Why did i wait until there was a bunch of other stuff in the way to do this? I set about getting a proper torque on the sensor, adding safety wire, and then connecting the wires. Small projects, but with limited space and access – a major pain in the ass that took way longer than it should.
I also finalized the routing, length and termination of the electro air EI spark plug wires. I’m very happy with how that all turned out.
Lastly there was a ton of work not pictured in routing, organizing, and securing other FWF cables. It takes a lot of time to get the routing correct and everything bundled in such a way as to not rub or interfere. You also must pay close attention to allowing for engine movement. You need some slack between the engine and connections tied to the engine mount or the firewall. But not too much slack!
I will try to get more photos of the wire routing soon.