Showplanes Fastback
Fastback 43
I’ve actually been working on the plane recently. What I’ve not been doing is a good job of keeping up with this blog. I’m going to post my drafts even if they are incomplete.
Fastback 42
Trying to get back into the swing of things and spend some time at the airport. I continued my previous work on the instrument panel cover. After applying a filet of micro balloons I fitted the actual instrument panel. In the first photo you can see how much I decided I needed to trim to get the desired lines. Additionally, the left side will require a little more fiber glass while the right side is perfect depth.
Here are the two sides after each has been trimmed. You’ll also note that the end extensions I made have been put in place and cleaned up.
Using much the same technique as the canopy reinforcement rails and bulkhead stiffeners, I laid some fiberglass over the micro balloon filet.
After this was complete, I let the epoxy cure and turned my attention back to the instruction manual. Since I have the instrument panel laying up – I skipped drilling the locking mechanism holes in the forward instrument panel and the after bulkhead. Instead I turned my attention to the C806fb Latch pin anchor material. Bryan’s instructions state to cut the piece to make a 2.5 inch piece and a 4 inch piece, but the part is only 6 inches, so its off by half an inch. Taking a quick look at the application – I decided there was plenty of material and I shaved a quarter inch off of each and called it a day.
Here are the resulting pieces.