
Elevators 3 (0.75 hr)

I really didn’t feel like working on the plane tonight. The weather is miserable out, and the drive home was terrible. But I’m really trying to keep myself on pace.

That said I got the remaining plastic done and almost all of the final drilling. Priming will be very soon for the stiffeners.



Elevators 1 (4.0 hours)

My buddy James came up from DC to lend a hand this weekend. Unfortunately there was a lot going on this weekend so we didn’t get as much done as I would have liked, but the second set of hands was a great help.

Before James arrived, I had marked all of the stiffeners for cutting. We teamed up with him cutting the stiffeners and me manning the scotchbrite wheel. We got all of the stiffeners prepared and started the final drilling.

I was frustrated to find a small dent / crinkle very close to the trailing edge of one of the skins. The crinkle certainly didn’t occur recently, and had to occur either in the care of the previous owner, or during my transport of the skins from Canada. I did my best to remove it, but the proximity to the trailing edge made it difficult. Its very small and doesn’t extent to the trailing edge. I’m pretty sure it will be virtually unnoticeable after the trailing edge is bent and the stiffeners are in place. I see no issue with airworthiness and am confident paint can cover it up. That being said, I was tempted, and still am tempted to replace the skin before a substantial amount of work is performed. I’ll have to give it some thought.




