Yearly Archives: 2017

Past 6 Months

Unfortunately, I’ve been somewhat absent from this website and my build for the past 6 months. There are several reasons for this. First and foremost my wife and I bought a new home with some acreage for the horse. It needs some TLC, and so I’ve been tending to multiple projects.

Among these projects has been clearing away bushes and trees that have been out of control for years. You can see the porch is completely overgrown.

Here’s an early shot after taking out the bushes. There is even less there now.

We also started installing fencing. 

Painting the fencing while enjoying some good beer. 

My father and Mike Bullock helped Maja and I build a run-in shed. 

Here’s a photo of helper’s Mike and my Dad. 

I also bought an engine! See more about that in a separate post. 

And all of this was on top of being back in school while doing my CFI (complete) CFII (Soon) Multi-Engine Add-on (Soon) and MEI (Soon after the others!)