Monthly Archives: August 2016

Fastback 34

I haven’t previously mentioned it, but between each session, I’ve done some basic sanding and cleanup – and that continued today. All of the fiberglass is now applied, and its time to sand and apply rage gold body filler to create nice transitions. This will be my first real experience with Rage Gold – so fingers crossed.

Here is the skirt after some good sanding and cleanup.


My first Rage Gold application. It didn’t come out very well. The putty began to cure quickly, and I wound up with a very uneven surface when applied. This means more time sanding!


And more sanding. I need to buy some better sanding products.



Fastback 33

Today saw more fiberglass reinforcement installation on the canopy skirt.

First I measured for the bottom of the stiffeners. NOTE. On one side you will have the hinge to contend with. Speaking with Bryan at showplanes, he told me to not apply fiberglass here. I decided to apply one layer of the really thin stuff I have. My hope is this will keep the fillet crack free.


I was also able to apply fiberglass at the front bulkhead. IMG_1038 IMG_1026_1 IMG_1027_1Aug 6