Daily Archives: December 26, 2013

Fuel Tanks 3 (6.5 hrs)

The z-brackets have not gone well.  First, I moved the holes in the wrong direction for the in board brackets.  I quickly ordered replacements from Van’s.   Next, upon riveting the nutplates on, I discovered I was short!  If only I’d known, I would have ordered those too.  A previous error had forced me to use a couple extra nutplates, but even with those I would still be short a couple.  I’ll admit, when I did inventory I didn’t count every rivet and nutplate… it seems I was not shipped enough.  Oh well. I put a call out on Van’s Airforce and to some local builders to see if I can track some down in time for the weekend.

Here are pictures from today’s progress…20131226-181213.jpg

I also made the tank attachment angles.20131226-181222.jpg





I also noticed I’m having a little trouble getting the bolts to thread properly. After doing a little research I found that boelube helps a fair amount.  I’ll have to try that tomorrow. 20131226-181306.jpg