Workshop Redo
So I’ve been meaning to switch my shop around for quite some time, but a recent incident forced my hand. Our garage is a three car garage. The third bay has a bigger door, but it only opens by hand. Because the tools and the air compressor were on the other end, in a bay with an electric door opener, I had set up shop there. In the mean time, I’ve been parking in the bay with the manual door. Well unfortunately, the door came back down about 1/3 of the way the other day after I opened it. I couldn’t see it in my rearview but it was enough to clip the top of my car as I backed out. Luckily it didn’t do much damage, but I’ve noticed its not staying up as well as it used to. Finally time to switch the shop around.
On the bright side, this would actually allow for a better location for my workbench and plans. Here are before and after panoramas of the garage. Moving all the heavy stuff by myself left me utterly exhausted after a full day of work. Now its priming time!