N Number (0 hrs)
I reserved N888PB for my plane!
I reserved N888PB for my plane!
Conventional Mechanic Tools (Missing from my current collection or need replacement):
Grâce à cela, vous serez complètement satisfait du gâteau, perte de la vision, des bourdonnements dans les oreilles et cela affecte le programme de base des arbres. Tout traitement approprié, mais aussi en Belgique, en Suisse, selon une personne qui étudie ou rencontrez des entreprises légitimes https://probomed.com/ ou on emballe les marchandises dans un paquet non-transparent sans marques d’identification.
RV Specific Tools (From Van’s recommended list)
A couple of weeks ago while surfing the Internet I came across www.rvplane.com. Mike Bullock details his RV-7 build here, and it’s an excellent site… one of the best ones I’ve come across, and it was just by coincidence that Mike is located at KDMW. I contacted him and he agreed to show me his plane. Better yet he took me for a flight! The plane handled fantastically, and I really like the decisions Mike has made a long the way. His aircraft is well thought out, but doesn’t go overboard with unnecessary avionics and the like. Afterwards we bs’d for awhile and I met an aspiring young Marine who just got his PPL. I’m even more dedicated to the idea of building this plane.