
Interior Paint 1

The other day I was able to finally get my fuselage moved to my paint booth for priming and painting the interior of the cockpit. I loaded up my air compressor and appropriate tools, and Squire and I were off!

Squire has a blast running around at the farm. This post covers two days. I did a fair amount of prep work on Saturday, and then the remaining prep, priming, and painting on Sunday. Due to the fumes, I left Squire at home on Sunday.

My good friend Chad helped me make an in-line dryer for the air supply. There are commercial solutions available for this. DeVillbiss sells a dryer for about $175 that uses proprietary cartridges to dry the air. My solution cost $40 for copper, $15 for desiccant, and about $40 for galvanized steel fittings. Here’s the basic idea. I found a quart of re-usable desiccant on Amazon. A little math allowed me to covert a quart into the volume of a cylinder. Using a 2″ diameter copper pipe, I would need a length of 18″ for 1 quart of desiccant. The copper dryer has a permanently attached screen in the bottom, and a removable screen in the top. Air flows from top to bottom, and there is a ball valve at the bottom to drain any condensation should there be any. The air flows up in the hopes that condensation moves down. I utilized the galvanized steel so that this can one day become part of a permanent installation in my garage. Here’s a diagram to show you how it is set up. Additionally there is a filter on the compressor and a disposable filter before the paint gun. I’m quite certain I will have clean dry air for my painting. Now, strictly speaking this is probably overkill. Certainly for the interior paint it is, but when it comes time to do base clear, the better my setup, the easier the task will be. There will be no worry of fish eyes!

I didn’t take any photos of the next stage; cleaning. I scuffed all the interior surfaces with scotchbrite. I also used 400 and 600 grit sandpaper where appropriate (powder coated items, the floor, and high traffic areas). I then cleaned the surfaces with acetone.

Next up it was time to tape the areas I didn’t want painted. The firewall is stainless steel and generally shouldn’t be painted for a couple of reasons. First and fore most it’s a FIREwall. In the event of an engine compartment fire, this is the only thing separating you. As such, it can be subjected to high heats and paint can give off very toxic fumes when burnt. Stainless is corrosion resistant by itself. Paint doesn’t stick easily to stainless. And finally, it looks good bare! Taping it off was a real pain in the rear. 

I also taped off the rails. These have several rivets that haven’t been applied, and I will paint it afterwards. 

The rudder cable is installed and I simply covered it with newspaper. 

I wrapped plastic around the remainder of the fuselage. 

Here is the result after priming. 

Next it was time to ensure I mixed the paint correctly. I added a flattening agent to reduce glare and shine. My first try was 6 parts paint to 1 part hardener 1 part activator to 2 parts flattening agent. 6:1:1:2 or 8:2 (mix:flattener). That was too shiny. I doubled the amount of flattener. 8:4. This was too dull. I split the difference and found just the result I was looking for. 6:1:1:3 or 8:3. 

The grey is dark. I sprayed a very fine coat and intended for a somewhat textured surface to produce a matte effect. Here are some photos of the end results.  

Note these photos are color accurate. It is a very dark grey. 

Theses photos are not color accurate. When the camera saw only grey the auto white balance results in a grey that is FAR lighter than reality. 


There are a few spots that could use a bit more paint. However, I’m not sure it’s worth the time. They are all in very difficult to see locations. 


Here is the firewall. 

This photo does the fastback justice. It looks pretty good.  

The next two photos make it look like serious orange peel. In reality it looks uniform and slightly textured. However, this did come out as the most textured portion of the paint. I am likely going to sand it slightly with 400 grit sandpaper and reapply the paint. When I first saw the plane after the paint dried for a couple of days I was very happy. However, when I got home and looked at these photos I became dismayed. I shared the photos with a couple folks and they agreed they didn’t like what they saw. I asked my buddy Mike to come take a look. Immediately as I walked in the paint booth, I thought “wow that looks way better than it does in the photos,” and he agreed.


So in the next sessions I should be repainting the back turtleback, and then painting the remaining interior parts.

Session time: 14 hours

Interior Paint Prep

My friend Matt was gracious enough to help me trailer my plane to the paint booth. I borrowed the trailer from a neighbor of my Dad, and my Dad’s truck, as mine was in use by the wife for horsey related activities.

I strapped the fuselage in three places. I used the engine stand that is bolted to the firewall, the center roll bar, and the horizontal stab rear spar connection points. I placed the fuse on a rubber stall matt, a layer of styrofoam and a moving blanket.

The drive over was nerve racking, but uneventful.

Fastback 14

I’ve started using Trello to keep track of the miscellaneous tasks I need to complete. At this point in the build, I don’t have a lot of structural elements remaining other than the bottom wing skins, the front upper fuselage skin, and the canopy. All of the major body parts for the plane are compete. If I wanted to, I could wheel this puppy into the middle of the hangar, put the already drilled gear legs on, attach the wings and the empennage and have something that actually resembles a plane. But, I’m not going to do that just yet. There is still a ton of work, and a lot of dependencies. Right now I have two remaining fuselage projects. First I need to get the majority of the interior painted. This needs to be done before I install the forward fuselage upper skin. Next, I need to install that skin, and then as the spring time is rolling around, it will be time to work on the canopy. With that in mind, there was only one significant portion of the cockpit that had not yet been riveted, and thats the rear seat back. So, that brings us to today.

The Show Planes fastback kit includes a new seat top for the rear passenger made from fiberglass. It looks much better than the stock metal seat back provided by Van’s. However, there are, as I discovered, some symmetry issues with the fiberglass. The first step is fitting the fiberglass into the opening and adjust the height. In order to do this you’ll need to trim the fiberglass just slightly at the corners (marked below).


Here you can see I trimmed the part twice. Once to intersect with the rear seat back, and again to fit between the cockpit rails.


I carefully adjusted the fit of the seat back in terms of height so as to not unduly rub the edges of the baggage compartment. I marked the mating points for reference and began drilling the seat back top. This is where I noticed my first asymmetry. The curve on the right side was higher than the left side. I didn’t notice by looking from the front, but rather by examining the rivet line in the rear. I went over to my buddy Mike’s hangar to see if he could notice. He was able to notice the difference when I held it to him straight on and told him to look for something off. With him able to notice the error, I resolved to fix it.

But wait. As I started to examine the part more carefully, I realized this wasn’t the only thing that was off. The left curve and the right curve don’t match. That is the left curve extends further in than the right. (You can see it slightly in the photo below). Additionally, the center of the raised center plane is actually offset to the right (shown by the arrow). These two things exaggerate the discrepancy. What to do? Well, I can tell you, I’m not intending to compete this plane for Oshkosh Grand Champion. And while I will fix anything that is even remotely structural all day, I’m not as keen to fix hardly noticeable cosmetic defects! As I really worked on trimming the part to fit, I noticed other discrepancies. Many of the measurements were not exactly the same from side to side.

What I wound up doing is this. I made darn sure the curves of both sides, both in height and distance are symmetrical, and I left it at that. If you look directly at the part, you can notice a few of the symmetry issues. Having show it to a couple people, most people notice the center offset, not the curves. Since the center offset is an issue with the part, and not my workmanship, it doesn’t bother me as much. Furthermore, I firmly believe no-one will ever notice this small asymmetry unless they 1) know about, and 2) look at it fairly straight on.


Here is the final part after all trimming and edge clean up.


And here it is installed. Can you see an issue?


I had to have some fun so I put my seat cushions in, and took a selfie. img_9787.jpg img_9805.jpg

Two other small projects today. First I prepped the pilot’s air vent for attachment. I’m going to attach with proseal and two rivets. One fore and one aft. I scuffed and cleaned both surfaces and then primed the inside of the vent. Not pictured, but I also applied a second coat of proseal to my static vents. I’m extremely confident that those will neither leak, nor come loose!


On a side note, my buddy Mike recently got wifi is his hangar. Not to be outdone, I had to follow suit. Mike was nice enough to lend a hand, and we installed the Ubiquiti locoM2. (


I placed it as discreetly as possible.


It was pouring rain, so I added a makeshift cover (its meant for outdoors, but I figured keeping the flood off the room from running down the device couldn’t hurt) I’ll put a more permanent solution in place soon.


Finally, the test. 18.83 Mbps! Thats awesome! The next project will be an arduino powered humidity and temperature sensor that relays the data to me on my iPhone!
