Vertical Stab

Vertical Stab 2 (2.0 hrs)

I got a fair amount done today.  My pace and efficiency has really improved.  I didn’t know what I was doing when I started the horizontal stab and everything was painfully slow.

I started the day by using the soldering iron to remove the protective coating.  Quick and easy.


Next up was the rear spar.  Clecoed and match drilled.



I fluted the ribs using the previous method from Hints for Homebuilders, and clecoed the skeleton together for match drilling.



The entire skeleton is match drilled.  Next time I’ll be match drilling the skin.


Vertical Stab 1 (0.25 hr)

Pulled out the major parts and plans for the vertical stab.  The horizontal stab took me entirely too long to complete.  Taking a class beforehand (if it wasn’t canceled) would have really helped.  But now I think I’ve got a really good handle on it, and I’m hoping to make quick work of this vertical stab!
