
About Peter | Certified Flight Instructor (Single & Multi-Engine, Instrument, and Advanced Ground) | Commercial Helicopter

Wings 37 (1.0 hr)

Tonight I set about setting the rivets that attach the wing ribs to the spars but lie underneath the fuel tank skins. There is no rivet call out on Van’s RV- 8 diagrams for these rivets. I found AN426AD-3.5s to be the perfect size. 

QB Fuselage Shipped!

My quick build fuselage has arrived at Van’s two months early! Crating is complete and ABF has picked that bad boy up. It will be here next Friday! Now I really need to finish up these wings!!!!

Also, where the heck am I going to put this thing???

Fuel Tanks 31 (8.0 hrs)

This weekend was dedicated to finishing up the fuel tanks… finally! We’ve had a lot of snow in the Maryland area lately, but luckily my hangar faces southwest so I get a constant stream of sun that melts the ice and keeps my hangar doors working well.

I forgot to presoak the capacitive fuel sender wires to the vent line! I can’t believe I overlooked this. What is more annoying is that I have marked it as complete.

I had a bit of a gouge from the circle cutter in the side of the fuel tank. I needed to sand it down.

Here is the end result.

Next it was time to setup for working with proseal. IMG_7525.JPG

I cut the bottom of a standard dixie cup to mix proseal. IMG_7526.JPG


Then it was time to seal the capacitive fuel sensor wire to the vent line. I used copious amounts of proseal.

IMG_7531.JPG IMG_7532.JPG IMG_7533.JPG


While waiting for this to dry, I secured the access panel for the other tank.


After this I set about installing the four other access plates on the other tank.


At this point, I forgot to take anymore pictures. Pretty standard stuff regardless. Each access plate is prosealed and attached with close-end pop rivets.