Yearly Archives: 2014

Flaps 8 (6.0 hrs)

Tonight I started by countersinking the bottom of the flap spars. These are countersunk instead of dimpled so that the hinges can be left untouched. I clecoed the hinges on to help center the countersink bit, and I used Mike Rollison’s drill press to make quick work of the countersinks.IMG_6447.JPG

Next I dimpled all of the ribs and the tops of both spars. IMG_6448.JPG

Then it was time rearrange the work benches for dimpling the skins. In no time they were done!IMG_6449.JPG

IMG_6451.JPGI also did a little rearranging in the shop and moved my hangar-mate’s plane a little further over. The weather is so rainy and foggy, everything was absolutely covered in condensation. I mean absolutely everything. I wonder if there is a solution? A dehumidifier perhaps? Probably too much air to be effective, although just a small drop in humidity might be enough…

Flaps 6 (3.0 hrs)

No pictures today. I deburred all the edges of the skins and ribs tonight using an assortment of files and the scotchbrite wheel. I also made two more shims for the right inner ribs.