Service Bulletin 16-12-16This entry was posted in Final Testing on November 20, 2022 by Peter Not a lot of photos here. This service bulletin concerns missing hardware for wing attachment in quick build fuselages. Namely, there are a set of bolts that connect the center section of the spar to the fuselage, that are not installed at the factory despite the instructions for doing so being in the quick build section. Sure enough, on inspection I had not caught the missing bolts either… so I can see how other’s have missed it frequently. This is a bit of a pain to do with the wings already installed, but not impossible. First I had to remove the control column to enable access to the spar mid-section. Then I used some paint stirrers as show to hold my wrench and washer holder. Many of the bolts I could get in with my small hands, but a few needed help. All in all it wasn’t as bad as I had initially feared.