FWF Wire Routing and Termination
This post encompasses multiple shop sessions. Its pretty hard to fully detail wire routing… and boring. But the gist is this. I ran a lot of wires, in a lot of variations before setting on the appropriate routes, bundles, and points to secure. Here are some photos of the process and results.
Here you can see the wiring for the flap motor and flap position sensor. I wanted to keep the wires out of the way but provide flexibility for moment. I marked the bottom and top locations of moment, and then positioned the wire mounting point midway. This enabled a shorter length of wire for movement and less opportunity for it to become entangled.
A ton of work in figuring out the routing of ignition leads and engine sensors. I played with multiple configurations before finding the appropriate lengths for the ignition harness off the magneto.
The ignition leads for the ElectroAir EI were much easier. First they were just going to the top of the engine, and second I could cut them to length! Unlike the ACS provided leads for the Bendix Mag.
I increased the security of the air filter bypass cable with an additional adel clamp.
I used a loose adel clamp to ensure the throttle cable did not rub the fuel line or engine mount.
A lot of fiddling to get the starter wire to route without interference and the appropriate amount of slack.
Wiring for the GEA24, the ElectroAir EI ECU, and the fuel pump is a major pain in the butt. I am happy with the choice of location as it does reduce the length of wire runs and makes good use of otherwise wasted space. But from a serviceability aspect, this is a major pain in the ass.